40+ Everyday items with hidden features

We use so many items on a daily basis without knowing that we have been using them the wrong way our entire lives. When used the right way, these items can easily solve all those little issues that you used to or still face. In this list, you will also understand why some items are designed the way they are. So, without further ado, let’s start it.

1. Why Long Neck Bottles?

Why make a long neck bottle when an average-sized bottle can work just fine.

Why Long Neck Bottles?


Well, it is because the shape of a long neck bottle makes it comfortable to hold and most importantly, it helps distribute the heat throughout the entire bottle whenever a person holds it.

2. The Purpose of Extra Holes In Sneakers

You must've noticed some extra holes at the top of your shoes and wondered what their purpose is. Well, if you are prone to blisters then theses extra holes make you tie your shoes a much tighter.

The Purpose of Extra Holes In Sneakers

Simply place the shoelaces in the extra holes (make sure you do in the opposite direction) so that you can create a loop on each side. It will give you a tighter lock as compared to what you achieve by tying your shoes normally.

3. Why Place Small Buttons So Randomly On Jeans?

Anyone who wears jeans most probably noticed all the extra buttons on their pants, mostly around the pockets.

Why Place Small Buttons So Randomly On Jeans?

These are actually button rivets which are strategic spots to ensure the jeans don't get rip or wear out. It was the idea of legendary Levi Strauss and he owns the patent to the rivets

4. Juice Boxes Flaps Use

The flaps at the top of juice boxes are not meant to make the juice boxes fly (they do look cute though)

Juice Boxes Flaps Use

Well, they are meant to make it easier for the children to hold them.

5. Secret Underwear Pocket

Most women's underwear has a secret pocket, right? What is the purpose of that pocket?

Secret Underwear Pocket

It is meant to fit tampons or other small items. How many of you already knew that?

6. HDTV Antenna On Electrical Outlets

An average American household has to spend about $200 a month for internet, telephone, and TV.

HDTV Antenna On Electrical Outlets

As people have to pay an insane amount of money for HDTV channels, there is a new technology disruptor "HDTV antennas" that stream HDTV from big stations such as NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, and many more.

7. Padlock Hole

If you look at a padlock closely, you'll notice that there is a little hole at the bottom. Do you know what purpose does it serve?

Well, it allows water that gets inside the padlock to drain easily and it is also used to pour oil into the lock so that it doesn't get jammed up.

8. Why Is There A Loop In Back Of Shirt?

If you have a garden-variety shirt, this tip won't apply. If you have a collared shirt, there must be a loop at the back. We all need to thank the Navy for it as men in the Navy had loops at the back of their shirts so that they could easily hang them on hooks.

After that in the 60s, it became common among college students to prevent their shirts from wrinkles. Now, the loop is used as a sign of quality and class.

9. The Cute Dimples on Golf Ball

If we go into the technicality of golf balls, they are not round and so they cannot really be called as balls. But let's not go there.

The dimples on golf balls are because some golfers realized that balls with nicks and bumps would travel further as compared to smooth ones.

10. The Role of A Hole Next To Camera

You must have looked at the camera of the iPhone and noticed that there is a little hole right by the camera lens and wondered why it is there. Well, we will discard the conspiracy theory that it lets Facebook spy on people.

In reality, it is a microphone. In fact, there are three microphones on almost every smartphone; one on the bottom edge of the phone, one under the speaker grill, and one next to the camera lens

11. The Purpose of Arrow On Gas Gauge

After 2010, all the manufactured cars have an arrow next to the gas. As we routinely fill our cars up, we don't notice it much.

It becomes handy when you are driving a rental car and want to fill up the tank. Trust us, you don't want to go to the wrong side and look foolish.

12. The Power Cord of Apple

There are wings on your MacBook's power cord that you can pull up. They are not just randomly put there.

You can easily flip them and use them to wrap the cord around the power block.

13. The Question We All Asked

As kids, we all asked or wondered why on earth there is a blue part or two different colors of an eraser. And yeah the old theory of blue part erasing ink is not true.

Well, the paper artists use a thicker type of paper and that's why they want to use an eraser with more sensitive friction.

14. The Purpose of Square Patch On Backpacks

Yeah, the square patch looks good, but it is not there to make the backpack look cool.

The purpose of the square patch's pig snout is to carry extra gear on your backpack. You can easily carry strings and cords by pulling them through the tab.

15. Why Brass Doorknobs?

You use the brass doorknobs many times in a day and yet have you ever wondered why it is mostly made of brass? It is not because the brass is cheap

The fact is that brass is more resistant to bacteria and as doorknobs are used by so many people, brass helps it stay germ-free. So, if you don't have a brass doorknob, you can consider having it.

16. Using Boxes Wrong

How many of you love Chinese food? Well, most of us just eat Chinese food out of the box or pour it onto our plates. But this is not the right way to eat it

The takeout boxes are specifically designed in a way that we can use them as plates. With food inside the box, carefully pull the sides apart and eat it.

17. The Purpose of Bumps On Keyboard

If you are using your computer or laptop right now, look at the keyboard and you will notice the F and J keys have two little bumps on them. Have you ever wondered what their purpose is?

Well, they are for the convenience of users as they can easily find their way on the keyboard without even looking at it. Try it and though it may take some time to get used to it, you will find using your keyboard a lot easier.

18. Bobby Pin's Zigzag Side

If you have ever used a bobby pin or are still using it, you may have noticed there is one straight side and the other one is a little wavy

It is because the zigzag side helps catch a big clump of hair and stops the bobby pin from sliding out of your scalp.

19. The Purpose of Disc Under Bottle Cap

There is a very low probability that you have never wondered why there is a little plastic disc under the cap of a soda bottle. It may seem unnecessary, but it is there to help with carbonation.

We cannot go into the science behind it, but it helps trap the carbon dioxide inside the bottle. Without it, you cannot enjoy the fizz in your drink.

20. Why There Are Holes in Airplane Windows?

If you have ever traveled by plane, you must have observed there is a hole in the window? Did it freak you out? Of course, it can scare you at first because you are flying up in the air and you start to think maybe it is because of air pressure or something.

This hole is called a breather hole because when an airplane climbs, there is a drop in the air pressure and the breather hole helps the cabin pressure stay at a safe and comfortable level. With the breather hole, the plane can deal with the changing pressure difference

21. Why Are There Ridges on Coins?

The quarters and dimes have rough edges, but you may have noticed that nickels and pennies don't have them. It is because coins were stamped in different weights back in the day. It was done to reflect the true value of the coin

To ensure that people don't shave the edges and melt the coins into new ones, ridges were put there so that no one tampers with them.

22. The Key To Getting Ketchup Out Easily

Ah, the peril of dealing with ketchup that's just won't come out. Sometimes, it even takes ages for a little ketchup to come out. So, one big ketchup brand came up with a solution for this "BIG PROBLEM."

All you need to do is turn the bottle to a 45-degree angle and tap the '57' logo. The sauce will come out easily. You can thank us later

23. Grocery Cart Loop Function

Sometimes, we fill a grocery cart with a lot of things only to find out that some fragile items broke

To solve this problem, there are loops that frame the fold-out section. But not many people know about it. The fold-out section is for fragile items such as bread and eggs

24. The Use of Paper of Condiment Cups

We go to a fast-food restaurant and order fries with a chicken burger and they give little paper condiment cups.

We wonder how we can dip the burger in the sauce. Well, we have been using it wrong all along. The cup can be unfolded quite easily to give it the shape of a little plate

25. The Real of Purpose of Extra Fabric with Clothing

We buy new clothes and sometimes we get a tiny bag with some fabric inside of it. Most of us think that it is because if the pants or shirt rips apart then one can use the extra fabric.

However, it is not true. The extra fabric is for you to test out washing the material to see if the material shrinks or the colors bleed.

26. What Does The Cylinder At The End of Cable Cord Do?

You might have noticed a big cylinder-shaped lump at the end of your laptop cable cord. Do you know what purpose it serves?

Well, it helps prevent any electromagnetic interference. For instance, there is electromagnetic interference which you get when your cell phone gets close to a speaker and you start hearing weird noises in your call.

27. The Story Behind Margins On Lined Paper

Not a lot of you know that there's a history behind the margins of lined paper. Back when there was a huge rat problem, many rats used to go into homes and eat the paper

With margins on the paper, the rats only ate the edges of the paper. Of course, it doesn't happen anymore but the margins still help in protecting the paper from general wear and tear.

28. The Tab of A Soda Can

If you haven't opened a soda can before, either you are strictly against excess sugar consumption or you live in a cave.

If you have, then you may have noticed there is a tab at the top of the can. Do you have any idea what purpose does it serve? Well, not many people know it that flipping the tab makes it a small straw holder.

29. Another Use of The Detachable Headrest In Cars

You might have noticed that the headrest in cars is detachable, but did you know that it serves another purpose as well.

In a case when you get trapped in a car, you can use the headrest to break the car window. We hope that moment never comes, but now you have an idea of how to use it.

30. The Right Use of Plastic Lids on Cups

Okay, plastic lids do serve the purpose of preventing your drink to spill, but there is another use of it that not many people know.

You will notice that there are three bumps in the plastic lid and the bottom of your cup can easily fit on the ridge. It can help prevent spillage when you are sitting down and enjoying a hot drink

31. Vegetable Peeler for Onions

Most people use vegetable peelers to peel the skin of potatoes and carrots. But not many people know that you can also use it for onions as well.

Do it the next time as it is not only fast but it also prevents those onion tears

32. The Purpose of Colored Squares on Toothpaste

If you ever take a look at the bottom of your toothpaste, you will notice that there is a colored block. Usually, it is in the color of black, green, red, and blue.

These blocks are actually "eye marks" as they assist machines at the assembly line to know when and where to cut the toothpaste and then fold it for packaging.

33. Hole in A Cap of Ballpoint Pen

If you look at a ballpoint pen, you will not notice anything odd. But if you look closely, you will notice that there is a small hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen. Given that ballpoint pens dry out if they are kept without their cap on for too long, a hole in the cap kills the purpose, right?

Well, it is there to save one's life if someone accidently swallows the cap. Some kids and even adults have a bad habit of putting pen caps in their mouths and the hole is there so that air can flow through without major complications.

34. The Right Role of Spaghetti Spoon Hole

If you have ever used a spaghetti spoon while making spaghetti, you might have wondered why it has such a unique shape

Not many people know that the hole in the spoon is there to help people figure out how much spaghetti they want for dinner. We bet not many of you knew about it.

35. The Purpose of Pot Handle Hole

Although professional cooks know why most pots have holes in their handles, there are chances you didn't know about it.

And no, the hole can serve the purpose of hanging it somewhere but that's not what it was initially meant to do. The hole is there to hold a utensil easily. So, try it the next time you cook something.

36. Reason Behind Microwave Black Grating

If you use a microwave regularly, you may have at least once wondered why there is black grating on the microwave door.

Well, it is there to prevent electromagnetic fields from harming people or animals around it.

37. Boot Loop

We have mentioned earlier of extra holes in sneakers, but what about the loops in boots. We have understood by now that manufacturers don't put anything just for fun.

If you own military-style footwear, you may have noticed loops at the top and back of the boots. Well, they are there to help you pull the shoe up when you're trying to wear them and then you can also hang your boots using them. Moreover, you can use the loop to give more support to the laces.

38. Attachments That Come With Vacuum Cleaner

Most of us get a vacuum cleaner and throw away the things that come with it. We put them somewhere in the house and never use them again.

It is time to get them out again as they are used for particular spaces, such as the ones that are difficult to reach.

39. Using Airplane Seat Hook

Although not everyone takes a blazer or suit on a plane, when someone actually does take one, they face problems in hanging it.

If you look closely, the hook keeping the tray table upright can also be used as a coat hook.

40. Tabs On Cling Wrap and Foil

If any of you have ever tried to take out aluminum foil or cling film out of the box, you know that it can be a total pain in the...head

Well, you don't have to feel that way ever again as there are little tabs at the side of every box that you can push. The tabs help grip the roll and it stays in place as you pull it. You're welcome.

41. Using The Conditioner Right

When you use shampoo, all you have to do is massage your scalp to get rid of all the oil and dirt in your hair. It also cleans the roots of your hair. However, this is not how you should use your conditioner.

Many people try to use the conditioner all over their hair. Instead, only apply it to the ends of your roots and go backward. It is because most of the oil and dirt are at the roots and that's why they need it more than anything else.

42. The Mistake of Using Your Fingers for Makeup

It looks more reasonable that many makeup companies want to sell their products and that's why they keep telling everyone not to use their fingers for makeup. However, it turns out that it isn't their ploy to sell more and more beauty tools as using your fingers to apply foundation over the face cannot ensure even coverage.

Moreover, doing so with your fingers can cause allergy or other skin issues as your fingers may contain bacteria. So, next time it is best to try using a sponge or a foundation brush.

43. Don't Pump The Mascara Wand

It won't be wrong to say that old school habits don't go away too easily. Many people pump the mascara wand without knowing that it pushes more air into the tube and make the product dry at a much faster rate.

In short, you need to make sure the 'pop' noise comes out whenever you take the brush out and if it doesn't come then it means that you need to buy a new one.

44. Eating Oreos The Right Way

What is the first thing that comes to your mind whenever you see Oreo? Obviously, it is: twist it, lick it, and dunk it. What if we tell you the best way to do it and then it is up to you whether to apply it the next time or not.

Dunk the entire Oreo with a fork. Simply stick the fork into the creamy white part and you are good to eat it.

45. The Right Way To Wear Earbuds

Did you know that earbuds can go straight up and down? However, most people wear them the wrong way.

The earbuds are supposed to be above the ear, with the round part facing towards the ground. Doing so also prevents the earbuds from slipping.

46. Blending It Right

Most people just throw in all the ingredients into their blender and hit the power button. Although it does the work for them, sometimes there are little unblended pieces left.

The best way to do it is to add the liquids first and then go for the solid ones. The swirl helps blend the solids more smoothly.

47. How To Eat Clementine and Orange The Right Way

Citrus and orange are delicious. However, eating them can create a bit of a mess and peeling them off with your hands can make the hands sticky.

The best way to do it is to cut it from both sides and then cut the middle part in half. It will save you time and ensure your fingers stay drier.

48. Less Creases With The Help of Tissue Paper

Tissue paper has many uses and one of them is to pack clothes to reduce wrinkles.

Simply lay your clothing inside a layer of tissue paper and pack it. You will notice that there will be much fewer creases.

49. No Need to Reheat Food

You come home all hungry and tired and you heat your food in the microwave. It can get really annoying to discover that the middle of your food is still cold, as sourced from en.wackojaco.com.


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