The 8 Bad Consequences of Drinking Cold Water

1. HALT HEART BEAT : - The heartbeat, which regulates body temperature and adjusts the breath decline due to cold water intake, cold water slows down the heart beat. Whether or not most of the Indian filmmakers, boxing, and wrestling individuals end their days by Heart failure and research has shown that most of them drink cold water when they are working.

2. CAUSES INTESTINE DISORDER : - Drinking cold water may cause the intestines to accumulate in the digestive tract, which can cause intestinal problems or nausea. Most cold water intake people often have vomiting or nausea or rapid heartburn. 

3. REDUCES BODY STRENGTH :- Although drinking cold water makes one feel good but it is slowly overpowering the body system , as the cold water enters the body, the body's tissues try their best to keep the fluid in balance thus, the body's tissues is weakened due to their excessive efforts to regulate the cold water . Did you notice that the whole of your body system goes weak and you felt your whole body go cold like the symptoms of fever and later then it stopped?

4.THROAT INFECTION AND VOICE DETORIORATION:- The use of cold water damages the nerves of the throat to the extent that they do not seem to be healthy. For people of forty years and above they begins to suffer from a sore throat or a broken voice similar to a cigarette smoker.

5. LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES : - All of them need sufficient water to function well, so when a person becomes used to drinking cold water they become infected and less functional as their work declined.

6. DRYING UP BODY FLUID : - There are tissues in the human body whose function is to convey water anywhere in the body so that any every part of the body can move freely. So these devices become cold due to the cold water intake and thus become weak.

7. CAUSES SEXUAL PROBLEMS : - This has been a strong warning by modern physicians, that drinking cold water weakens menstrual systems and if a woman's womb is weak can cause birth defects. Cold water can cause premature ejaculation in men, and also causes sexual dissatisfaction.

8. CAUSES MIGRAINE HEADACHES AND PILES : - Drinking cold water can contract the intestine which can causes a person to experience difficulties in defacating. It also causes headache called migraine headache . The migraine headache blocked off the optic nerve and to some extent makes person behaves or go crazy. 


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